Birthday Adventures - And then a bigger surprise

After the wonderful day at Disneyland on my birthday, we were all a bit tired so we decided to take the rest of the weekend doing laid-back stuff.... or so I thought.

On Saturday night we had planned to have a nice family birthday dinner at some restaurant. The more I thought about it, the more I thought we should do something else... a BBQ would be the most fun. We could eat, drink and swim at Carisa's... and Darren does a great tri-tip BBQ. So I asked Carisa if we could change the plans and do the BBQ at her place. She agreed but suggested we do the BBQ at Kim's (Carisa's BFF) since Kim and Charles had never met Kirk, Jenia and Stasia and Carisa was always talking about them. OK by me... I just wanted something low-keyed and easy for everyone. Boy, talk about pulling one off, Carisa did just that!! and then some.

Unbeknown to me, my darling daughter had hi-jacked my e-mail list and sent out e-mails to family and friends stating she was having a surprise party for me. I finally saw a copy of the e-mail and it was dated the end of July or at least it was printed that day from the copy I saw. Now you have to understand that Carisa has an extremly busy life (as do most young women today) with an almost 24/7 job, family needs, sporting activities and just the general things that go on with busy lives these days. So how she was able to pull this off is beyond me... but then that's my daughter and I know she can do anything she sets her mind to.

So on the evening of Saturday, Aug. 29 I blissfully walked into a surprise party with various family and friends all gathered together.

When I walked in the door of the club house at Kim's condo complex, I saw ballons, paper streamers and PEOPLE.... all of whom yelled, surprise. I looked around and saw faces I know but for some reason I honed in on my big brother, Bob. He, along with many others, was aiming a camera at my opened-mouth surprised face. I think I really noticed him because I had been stunned that I hadn't heard from him on my birthday. This was a big year for both of us. Bob turned 75 on Aug 16 and I turned 70 eleven days later... what a belated birthday present I was for him when he was a kid. Anyhow, there were other family members, current friends, former neighbors and just a wonderful mix of people.

My niece Arlene and husband Richard came from Seattle. Niece Laurie and hubby Ed along with kids Orion and Lucas from Woodland Hills. Niece Stacy, hubby Scott with kids Andrew and Jocelyn from San Diego. Former neighbors Teresa and Maryanne... current neighbor, Linda; friends Liisa and Ingrid; every-wonderful traveling companion Judi and her daughter Farida; Margie and Billy with son Bret. And of course, Bob, from the Boston area. Such a wide variety of personalities and histories - it was beyond belief.

And then I noticed the images showing on the screen... wild pictures of me thru my life. Carisa had hi-jacked pictures from the thousands that I'm converting to digital images. And boy did she pick some good ones. I keep telling people I used to be slim and there were the pictures to prove it - along with the different hair colors and styles as well as the clothing. Pictures of me as a kid, confirmation, high school graduation, family and friends from Boston where I grew up, college degrees, family vacations, neighborhood parties and just a bunch more from my life. It was enough to make you laugh, cry and just be amazed at what had gone on in my years. Some of the ones I though best were seeing my kids, Judi's kids when they were young and their being able to see themselves tonite with their growing kids. This party brought together my family, friends but also my kids' friends and gave them the ability to renew lives and friendships... and what a joy that is.

All along there were stories about me and particular people. I'm kind of a private person but apparently I get a little out of control with a couple of glasses of wine when I'm with people I love and trust. Did I really do and say some of those things?

The pictures that were taken that night are great. One of the best is all the cousins with all their kids. Of course there are many more cousins and many more kids who weren't able to attend. And the kids who grew up together: Kirk, Carisa, Farida (sister Nas wasn't able to attend), Billy, and Margie all being together with their kids... how much fun is that.

Thanks to all of you for attending and of course, my special love and thanks to my kids and their families for making this happen. It was totally unforgetable and I loved every minute of it.

My kids & theirs. Top row Devin, Darren & Carisa Childhood friends: Carisa, Billy, Kirk, Margie
Bottom Stasia, Kirk, birthday girl & Jenia

Relatives: Stacey, Bob, Pat, Carisa, Arlene My kids & theirs Kirk, Stasia, Devin & Carisa
Kirk, Laurie

Here's a whole bunch of family relatives. My brother Bob and some of his 9 kids & some grandkids
Me and my 2 kids and 2 grandkids



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