The Rain in Spain is not the same...
Nor is it the same in Florida. Having lived in Southern California most of my adult life, I am used to rain, or usually lack there of, in California. Not so in Florida where I now live. In CA if it rains at all, it's during the raining season... it is a semi-arid desert there after all. The rainy season usually starts the week before or week of Thanksgiving in late November. It can last till sometimes March but more likely late February. I remember one year where it rained for 17 days straight in February. That was really strange cause normally there is not that much sustained rain. Also, January usually tends to be the best month in CA because it rarely rains and the temps are always warm. But back to rain. When it does rain in CA especially Southern California, Huntington Beach specifically, it is usually a predictable kind of rain. The weatherperson shows rain and gives you a day or two when it will happen. Sometimes it does, general...