Contrasts of Spring

Spring is different in different parts of the country, obviously.  After reading my friend Judi's blog, about spring in the lower Sierra’s, North Fork, CA, for example… I wanted to show how things look in the south, Texarkana, AR, for example.

One thing I never knew about this part of the country is how the pollen sits on the ground, all over cars, and blows in an open window so it sits on the window sill.  I don’t think I’ve ever really “seen” pollen.  I always knew it was around when I lived on the east coast and also in So Cal because I would always have allergies at this time of the year.  But to actually see pollen is a bit on the strange side.  This is what it looks like sitting at the end of the driveway just before heading into the garage.  With the little dip in the driveway, water sits in this spot and this is dryed pollen just sitting there

Pollen is a fine-grained powder with just a bit of grit to it.  It gets over everything it settles on including, cars, people, pets, buildings, you name it.  When it’s windy, like today, you can see it swirling in the air… really something strange.  The other morning after I took Stasia to school, I thought there was a slight bit of fog in the air only to realize it was pollen. 

The trees and bushes in the area are blooming and expanding before your eyes.  Every day the trees seem fuller and the flowers in the back yard keep coming out… as well as dying off.  This purple bloom is lovely (no matter what’s it’s called which I don’t know); the bushes are gaining more red color and becoming fuller (and again I don’t know the name).

Along with all the blooming is some dying out.  The beautiful jonquils that had been blooming so full in the back yard are these puny things all shriveled and dying.  Guess they will return next year.

Spring in the south is quite lovely with all the colors and blooming bushes and trees.  I’m actually going to the book store and get something that will tell me what all this flora and fauna is called.  Then I can sound more knowledgeable.

Then, of course, with spring is Easter and the lovely young lady know as my granddaughter, Stasia, in her new spring dress.  The dress came with the required new shoes, sparkling flip-flops.  And naturally, the required candy and chocolate Easter Bunny.  Spring is definitely here in the south.


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